Website Health Monitoring

Monitor security, performance, and errors in production with just one product.

Too Many Vulnerabilities?

Get help fixing issues from the people who wrote the book on the subject.

Better Security Training

Dissatisfied with existing training options? So are we. Better training starts here.

Just Starting In Security?

You’re not alone. We can help you get your security program off the ground.


Application Security By Developers
For Developers


Better Security In A Shorter Time

Your development time is precious. We've been there too. We can help you maximize your returns while minimizing your time investment.


Solutions Fit Perfectly To You

Startups have different needs than small businesses, which have different needs from large ones. We've seen it all and can meet you where you are.


Buzzwords Without The Buzzkill

"Shift Left"? "DevSecOps"? "SAST/DAST/IAST/MAST"? We can help you understand how — or if — you should pursue them.

Production Monitoring With WebAudit

We're more than just a security company.
Let us help you find issues before attackers — or customers — do.

  • Security Incidents
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Incoming Traffic
  • Website Performance
  • Runtime Errors

WebAudit can tell you if your website is receiving suspicious activity.

Unlike other monitoring tools, WebAudit uses your own code to create its rules.

WebAudit can tell you if your site can be exploited.

Unlike many other security tools, we can tell you whether the vulnerable code is actually being used.

WebAudit can tell you who is visiting your website.

Unlike JavaScript-based tools, we can detect if an attacker is bypassing the browser to attack your site.

WebAudit can tell you which pages are unusually slow.

Unlike traditional performance monitoring tools, we can tell you if slowness looks like an attack.

WebAudit can tell you where errors are occuring in your app.

Unlike traditional logging tools, we can give you reporting without you needing to write queries.

Screenshot of WebAudit Portal

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