
CodeSheriff.NET is an open-source scanner for ASP.NET Core websites that, we believe, is the most accurate scanner on the market. Disagree? Tell us what the scanner missed and we'll fix it!

About CodeSheriff.NET


Unparalleled Accuracy

CodeSheriff.NET is the only scanner (that we know of) that is written by C# security experts for C# products. This results in accuracy that is unmatched in the industry.


Reduced Noise

Too many false positives from your existing scanner? CodeSheriff"s unique design allows you to reduce the noise and focus on what matters most.

Open Books

Open Source

CodeSheriff is open source! It's also free to use for consultants and non-security companies. (Licenses are required for resale or packaging in other products.) Please check out the project on GitHub.

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